Learn about Abortion:

  • Knowledge is Power….

    Here are Facts You Need to Know:

    Abortion is a procedure that results in the voluntary termination of a pregnancy, either medically or surgically. There are many facts about abortion that you need to be aware of before making an informed decision.

    Abortion is a choice.

    Do not let anyone force you into the procedure. Be sure you understand the procedure and make an informed decision about what is best for you and your baby.

    Abortion has risks.

    As with any medical procedure, you should know the physical and emotional risks before the procedure. It is your right to be informed.

    Abortion is life changing.

    Abortion will not make it all go away. Many women think abortion will wipe away all the confusion and fears so they can move on with their lives. This is often not the case.

    If you’re overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy, you are not alone. You may be considering an abortion. Before you make any decisions, it is essential to recognize this is a big decision. It would help if you gave yourself time to get as much information as possible to decide what is truly the best option for you.

    Sparrow Women’s Clinic helps you gain the knowledge you need to make an informed decision and answer any questions you may have.

    Sparrow Women’s Clinic does not offer, recommend or refer for abortions.

    What is the procedure for an Abortion?

    There are several ways an abortion can be performed. Click on each option below to learn more:

    1.) D & E Abortion

    2.) Suction D&C Abortion

    3.) Abortion Pills

    4.) Induction

    Verify You Are Pregnant

    Before scheduling an abortion, you need to know that you are, in fact, pregnant and how far along you are. Even if you have pregnancy symptoms or have taken a home test, we suggest visiting SWC for a FREE pregnancy test. Our tests are professional medical-grade quality and highly accurate.

    Come For A Free Sonogram

    Statistics show that 1 in 4 early pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. If you have a positive pregnancy test at SWC, you may be eligible for a free, limited ultrasound. This information will help you in your decision-making process by answering the following three questions:

    Find out how far along you are in pregnancy:

    • Is the pregnancy located in the uterus?

    • Does your baby have a detectable heartbeat?

    Consider Your Options

    Become empowered to make a well-informed pregnancy decision. Consider the three options for your pregnancy. Discuss the details of various abortion procedures, and understand precisely what your decision means for you now and in the future.

  • The specific cost of an abortion depends on the type of procedure (medical or surgical) and the baby’s size, which are based on gestational age. The price increases as pregnancy progresses. Price also varies by provider and is dependent on health insurance; clinics and private practice abortionists typically offer lower costs than hospitals.

    When can I get an abortion? Am I too far along to take the pill?

    In Kansas, an abortion may be performed at 20 or more weeks postfertilization (22 weeks after the last menstrual period) only in cases of life or severely compromised physical health.

    Sparrow Women’s Clinic offers a free limited ultrasound with proof of a positive pregnancy to confirm how far along you are.

    Sparrow Women’s Clinic does not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions.

    Why do I need a sonogram before an abortion?

    Receiving a limited ultrasound before you get an abortion is an essential medical step and one of the most accurate ways to get crucial information about your pregnancy. A limited ultrasound at SWC determines:

    • if there’s fetal cardiac activity (a heartbeat)

    • how far along you are

    • the location of your pregnancy

    At Sparrow Women’s Clinic, we provide a limited ultrasound free of charge.

  • What is the Abortion Pill?

    The abortion pill is a medical abortion that is also known as RU-486. This type of abortion uses two drugs – Mifeprex™(mifepristone) and Misoprostol and can be used until 10- weeks LMP (last menstrual period). However, its effectiveness may decrease as the pregnancy progresses.


    ***This is for informational purposes only, Sparrow Women’s Clinic does not provide the abortion pill.

    The FDA approved regimen for Mifiprex (RU-486) is a two-visit process using two different drugs:

    • Mifepristone is given orally during the first office visit. Mifepristone blocks progesterone from sustaining the pregnancy, thereby ending the life of the baby.

    • Misoprostol tablets are given orally 48 hours later. The misoprostol will cause contractions to expel the baby’s remains. This does not take place at a medical office and may occur within a few hours or up to two weeks after taking misoprostol.

    A physical exam is given by the healthcare provider about 7-14 days later to ensure the abortion is complete and that there are no immediate complications.

    Risks and Side Effects

    Not advised for women who have anemia, bleeding disorders, liver or kidney disease, seizure disorder, and acute inflammatory bowel disease, use an intrauterine device (IUD), or are unable to return for the follow-up visit.

    Cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding, infection and in rare cases, death.

    In a small percentage of pregnancies, the procedure may be unsuccessful in terminating the pregnancy. This risk increases with the length of your pregnancy.

    Fetal Development Weeks 4-8

    The following describes some of the developmental steps of the baby during the time frame when a woman is eligible for a medication abortion:

    • All major systems and organs begin to form.

    • The beginnings of the eyes and ears are developing.

    • Tiny limb buds appear, which will develop into arms and legs.

    • The heart is beating.

    • All major body systems continue to develop and function, including the circulatory, nervous, digestive, and urinary systems.

    • The eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are becoming more distinct.

    Additional Information:

    Click here (note: make this word a link) for more information about the procedure, risks and side effects of the abortion pill, Mifepristone (Mifeprex or RU486).

    What if I have Second Thoughts?

    Reversal Option:

    If you have taken the first dose of the abortion pill, Mifepristone (Mileprex or RU-486) and are experiencing doubts about your abortion, it may be possible to reverse your abortion. There is an effective process for reversing the procedure, called Abortion Pill Reversal. The process uses the progesterone hormone, which has shown to counteract the effects of the abortion pill.

    Time Matters!

    Every hour since your first dose of the abortion pill matters, so it’s important to call the Abortion Reversal Hotline or call 877-558-0333.

    Any attempts to counteract the abortion pill should not be done without the assistance of a medical professional.

  • What are the potential side effects and risks?

    Abortion, as with any medical procedure, is not without side effects and risks. For you to make the best possible informed decision, you need to know the potential risks involved.

    Abortion Pill Risks:

    Reactions to the abortion pill, Mifepristone (Mifeprex or RU486) varies, from painful to extremely dangerous. These pills have a “black box” warning, which is the highest level of caution, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) puts on medication. The FDA also warns against taking them without medical supervision. Before taking these pills (especially without a doctor’s help), you should be aware of possible side effects you may encounter.

    Common Side Effects from the abortion pill include:

    • Abdominal pain, severe cramping, prolonged heavy bleeding

    • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or fever and chills

    To learn more about the short- and long-term risks of abortion, schedule an appointment to talk with one of our nurses.

    Surgical Abortion Risks:

    The main risks and complications associated with having a surgical procedure increase later in pregnancy an abortion performed.

    Risks include:

    • Hemorrhaging

    • Blood clots

    • Rh sensitization

    • Infection (the chance of infection increases if you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD)

    • Nausea and vomiting, sweating, or feeling faint

    • Cervical tears or lacerations

    • Incomplete abortion

    • Organ damage

    • Allergic or adverse reactions to medications

    ***If you are experiencing severe physical side effects from an abortion, immediately seek medical attention from your physician or a hospital.

    Could Abortion Affect Me Later?

    There is evidence that abortion is associated with long-term mental health risks.

    • Emotional: In line with the evidence, you should know abortion increases the emotional risk for symptoms consistent with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), clinical depression & anxiety, possibly suicidal thoughts and behaviors, as well as drug and alcohol abuse.

    • Relational: Research reveals that couples who choose abortion are more likely to have problems in their relationships. After the abortion, some women may experience a short- or long-term lack of interest, discomfort, or decreased dissatisfaction with sex.

    Abortion is a decision that should be made only after deeply considering all the risks involved. It is not merely a medical procedure. It is life-changing.

    Sparrow Women’s Clinic is here to help. Schedule an appointment or feel free to Walk-in. We want to help you make the best decision for you!

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) pose a severe risk to a woman’s future reproductive and overall health, especially if left untreated.

    If you are considering getting an abortion because of a suspected STi/STD:

    STI testing and treatment are critical

    if you are considering an abortion because chlamydia, the most common STI in the US, rarely has symptoms.

    Studies have demonstrated that 70-95% of women and 90% of men who have chlamydia do not realize that they have it. Woman who have an untreated STD (like chlamydia or gonorrhea) are up to 23% more likely to develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) following an abortion procedure. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the United States, 1 out of 4 women, ages 14 to 19, is infected with at least one STD.

    STIs affect women more than men

    While both men and women in the U.S. are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in about equal numbers, they are not affected by STIs equally. For example, women are more likely than men to experience long-term health complications from untreated STIs, including infertility (the inability to have a baby). A pregnant woman can also pass an STI along to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

    According to the Office on Women’s Health, women often have more serious health problems from STIs than men:

    • Chlamydia and gonorrhea left untreated, raise the risk of chronic pelvic pain and life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia and gonorrhea also can cause infertility.

    • Untreated syphilis in pregnant women results in infant death up to 40% of the time.

    • Women have a higher risk than men of getting an STI during unprotected vaginal sex. Unprotected anal sex puts women at even more risk for getting a STI than unprotected vaginal sex.

    What can you do to protect from getting an STD?

    • The only way to be 100% confident of avoiding STD/STI infections is abstaining from sex or intimate physical contact including oral sex.

    • If sexually active, to prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, always avoid sex with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge, or other symptoms.

    • Proper use of condoms with each act of sexual intercourse can reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of STDs. Use latex condoms every time you have sex. If you use a lubricant, make sure it’s water-based. Use condoms for the entire sex act. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly. They must be used consistently and correctly each time to reduce the risk of infection. Remember that condom use does not ensure that you will be protected.

    • Prevention through avoiding exposure is the best strategy for controlling the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

    If you are worried or suspect you may have an STI/STD, let us help you. Sparrow Women’s Clinic provides free, confidential STI testing. Feel free to schedule an appointment or Walk-in to our clinic. We are eager to serve you!

  • We recognize the decision to have an abortion is never easy.

    You may have made the decision without considering other options, you may have felt like it was your only choice. You may have been pressured by your boyfriend, parent, family member, friend, professor, or coach. Perhaps there were several people rallying around you, supporting you. Or you kept it a secret and made the decision by yourself. Regardless of the circumstances, it seemed like the right answer at the time. Yet, why is it hurting you more than you ever thought possible and causing emotions which scare you?

    Where can I find support after abortion?

    It’s more common than you might think to be emotionally wounded from an abortion decision. You don’t have to suffer alone. Sparrow Women’s Clinic staff is here to help you. Studies have shown that having an abortion can cause significant psychological trauma, equivalent of dealing with PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).

    Abortion Anonymous (AbAnon) is a great first step to find hope and healing.

    The purpose of AbAnon is to provide awareness regarding the emotional harm caused by abortion, and to provide a path to healing for those affected. We offer free assistance to those in need of healing and recovery from the pain and emotional impact caused by abortion.

    AbAnon serves women, but also assists men, friends and parents who may have participated in an abortion or pressured someone else into having an abortion.

    Abanon is a safe place

    Our volunteers and staff have all been touched by or involved in an abortion in one way or another. We understand that abortion is a deeply sensitive and personal topic that affects every participant in profound and differing ways.

    We simply offer compassion, and a path to recovery. Whether your involvement in an abortion was a month ago or forty years ago, we believe that no one can participate in an abortion and remain unaffected.

    For more information or to register for an Abanon group, email joinus@abanon.org, or call Sparrow Women’s Clinic.

    Forgiven and Set Free Weekend Retreats

    The goal of our after-abortion retreat is to help women reclaim and restore their peace of mind and self-worth. Our team of facilitators have all been touched by or involved in an abortion one way or another. Most of us have attend a retreat ourselves, experiencing compassion and healing.

    If you would like more information about after-abortion resources, call us at Sparrow Women’s Clinic ______ or email us. We are eager to get you the help you need!